How To Install A Loose Deep Wave Wig with Glue

How To Install A Loose Deep Wave Wig with Glue

The loose deep wave wig is the most realistic-looking wig present in the market. The wig imitates a natural hairline. Furthermore, the loose deep wave bundles consist of 100% virgin human hair. Therefore, it offers a realistic natural hair appearance. The best benefit of the wig is that it is easy to install. The easy-to-install process ensures that you save salon money. If you wish to learn how to install the wig, below are the simple steps.

1. Prepare natural hair for the loose deep wave wig installation

Natural hair preparation is the most crucial process during the wig installation procedure. The first thing you should do is wash your hair with conditioner and shampoo. If you do not wash your hair before wig installation, your wig may be itchy. Once you have cleaned your hair, you can proceed to fasten it. There are various hair fastening options; they include cornrows, braiding, or twisting. The most common is usually cornrowing. Cornrowing ensures you create a flat surface. The cornrows are perfect for sleek styles.

2. Wear a stocking cap

The second step to wig installation is wearing a stocking, soft, or wig cap. The cap's purpose is to keep your wig in place and flatten your natural hair. Therefore, ensure to wear the cap gently. The gentle pressure ensures that you do not interfere with your cornrowed hair. The critical consideration while wearing the wig is that it should not cover your hairline entirely. Also, ensure that all your hair is safely inside the cap.

3. Prepare your skin

Prepare your skin for the loose deep wave wig installation by dabbing alcohol. The alcohol will remove any makeup or oil that may stop the glue from sticking. If your skin is sensitive, use a scalp-protecting serum. You can find the scalp-protecting serum from most wig supply stores. If you choose to use the serum, ensure it is completely dry before proceeding.

4. Place the loose deep wave wig on your head

You need to put your wig where you want it fastened at this step. The place you wish your wig in should correspond with your natural hairline. Also, ensure to mark the exact position where you want the lace in.

5. Trim excess lace from the loose deep wave wig

At this step, you need to use a scissor to cut down any excess lace around your hairline or ears. If you do not cut down excess lace, it may interfere with the installation process. Thus, ensure you do not skip this step.

6. Apply glue

Next, you need to apply the glue around the wig cap at your hairline. Ensure the adhesive does not come into contact with your hair. Then blow dry it.

7. Press lace into the glue

Place the wig's lace onto the glues area and press on it. Pressing the lace on the glue will ensure that your wig will stay in place.

8. Remove excess glue

Dab the edge of your hairline using alcohol. The purpose of this last step is to remove excess glue. Once done, you are good to go.


The loose deep wave wig installation process is relatively easy. The easy process ensures you do not require the expertise of a specialist. Therefore, the above simple steps can guide you into the easy wig installation process.